Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Happy Holidays

As the end of the year draws near and we get ready for the holidays, we wanted to say thank you to all of the loyal PulStar doctors and patients who have helped make PulStar the superior technology in pain relief.  

With this last post of the year we want to wish you and yours a happy and safe holiday season as well as a prosperous New Year.  We at Sense Technology look forward to achieving great things in 2009 as we help more people with the PulStar. 


Monday, December 22, 2008

PulStar is Reliable and Consistent

One of the benefits of technology is that measurements can be made precisely and they can be repeated accurately.  

For example, we could measure the speed of a thrown baseball by having someone count how many seconds it takes to get to the catcher.  How reliable would that be?  Maybe the person starts a little faster on this throw, a little slower on that throw.  And how about consistency between counters?  Maybe one counts "one-one thousand", one counts "one Mississippi" and a third counts "one, two...".  How accurate can any of them be?

We could use the technological advancement of the stopwatch which would improve the time measurement but still would have inconsistencies between those using the watch.  What if one person starts the watch during the wind up, another right before he ball is released and a third after the ball has left the hand?  All three would accurately judge the time from the starting point to the end but the starting points would all be different.

Thankfully a radar gun was created and there is much less confusion or argument about the speed of pitches.  There is little human inconsistency that interferes with the measurement of a thrown ball.  We now trust that a ball measured at 93 mph in Pittsburgh's PNC Park will be measured at 93 mph in every other park in the country.

Now think about chiropractic.  A doctor using just his hands can not objectively quantify the stiffness of muscles or pinpoint exactly where a problem may be.  He can go on his experience and intuition to find and relieve your pain.  Even if you find the best chiropractor available, how accurate can he be for every one of your visits or for every patient he sees?  Human error is undeniable, it's going to happen, even to the best of us.  What if you moved and needed to see a different chiropractor, what's the guarantee the new doctor will find the same things as your previous doctor?

There are instruments available in chiropractic that may offer adjustment or analysis but are no more beneficial to chiropractic than the stop watch in the example above was to measuring the speed of a thrown pitch.  These instruments rely heavily on the doctor using it and the diagnosis of that doctor.  Different practitioners of these instruments will achieve different results.

Thankfully there's the PulStar Multiple Impulse Therapy.  Dr. Robert Leach, a PulStar user,  published his research about PulStar's repeatability in the Journal of Manipulative and Physiological Therapeutics.  What Dr. Leach found is that for an experienced user, the PulStar analysis was repeatable on a scale of .89 out of 1.0 and between different doctors the analysis was repeatable on a scale of .87 out of 1.0.

The point is that you can count on the PulStar technology to accurately and consistently analyze you to find the problems causing your pain.  You can count on it if you go to the same doctor every time and you can count on it if you have to go to a different PulStar user.  The PulStar will improve chiropractic just like other technologies have improved every aspect of our lives.
You can click here for more research available about the PulStar or PulStarFRAS.  Just type either word into the box and click "go" to find the published research.           

Monday, December 15, 2008

More on PulStar's Flexibility

In an earlier post I talked about PulStar's flexibility when it comes to force settings and the different modes of adjusting.  Another way PulStar's flexibility can help you is in the adjustment position.

Our research has found that patient position is an important variable when it comes to effectively dealing with a patient's pain.  Patients react to treatment differently in different positions because of things like gravity and the support they receive from the table they are laying on or the chair they are sitting in.  If you are laying on a table some muscles are relaxed and the adjustment may not be effective.

Some patients spines look completely different when standing compared to when they are laying down or sitting.  A little more surprising than this is that different problems causing pain may show up in these different positions.   With this in mind we developed constant posture systems that allow doctors to both analyze and adjust patients in standing as well as sitting positions.

No other instrument or adjusting technique can offer this option which is designed to make sure a patient's back pain can be relieved quickly and effectively.  The PulStar Multiple Impulse Therapy is the best instrument technology on the market.

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

PulStar is Patient Friendly

The PulStar Multiple Impulse Therapy has always included a sophisticated database.  Not only does this system analyze and adjust patients, it also stores the results of the visit.  In the database a doctor can store the results of the analysis and adjustment, where the patient was adjusted, how much force was used and even the number of impulses!!   Any patient can view any of their previous visits, get a print out of any visit and even be shown trends for every vertebra over all visits on an easy to understand display.  

Also, if a patient has a previous visit, as soon as their information is retrieved, a "Last Visit Display" pops up so the doctor and patient can review the results of the last visit and compare it side by side with the results of the current analysis.  The PulStar displays the images side by side using bar graphs that make it simple for a patient to understand.

The PulStar technology takes the guess work out of back pain treatments.  Doctors can find the exact area where the pain is coming from and treat it effectively to relieve the pain.  Then both the patient and the doctor can review the results together to make sure progress is being made.  Empowering the patient in this way has helped make PulStar a patient favorite across the country.

Monday, December 1, 2008

Why Don't All Chiropractors have a PulStar?

Given all that I have learned about the PulStar Multiple Impulse Therapy since I've been here, I often wonder why chiropractors aren't beating down our door for one.  It's interesting to me when I talk to a chiropractor about buying a PulStar, the two main reasons I hear why they don't want to buy one are 1. Cost and 2. they don't want to change the way they currently do things (ie manual  adjustments).

The cost is understandable especially in these difficult economic times and it's a topic I can discuss later.  But the part about this that I struggle with is that the PulStar will attract new patients which will in turn increase their income.  But they say it still costs too much.  However, it's a pretty good bet that most of these chiropractors have spent more money on a car that loses value everyday and costs more in maintenance and gas and doesn't return a penny.  But people still buy cars.  Anyway...

The other reason that chiropractors don't buy is because they think they do it better themselves and technology is just for show or for chiropractors that hurt and can't use their own hands any more.  We hear stories all the time from doctors who buy a PulStar and find they had no idea how much their patients prefer it.  If you read through the testimonials on our web site and the results of a survey given by Dr. Mantoya to his patients posted earlier, you will see that patients love the gentle treatment the PulStar gives them.

Everyone knows that one of the knocks on chiropractic is that people think it hurts and is dangerous.  Chiropractors know this but somehow don't believe that people with back pain don't seek chiropractic care because they are scared.  I'll admit that I have never been manually adjusted and I never will.  I don't care what anyone says, I don't want my body twisted up and I know that I am not alone.  The PulStar is ideal for someone like me and had I known it was available, I would have started using it a long time ago. 

I hope we can get some people on this blog to comment about their experience being manually adjusted and then getting a PulStar treatment to relieve their back pain.  I'm sure if enough people tell chiropractors that they prefer the safe and effective PulStar treatment, more chiropractors will make it available.  Treatment for back pain doesn't need to be painful or scary or dangerous.  The PulStar proves it.