Tuesday, September 30, 2008

"Cure Back Pain" Blog

I have been (and will continue) searching for other blogs about back pain both to see what they are saying and hopefully to learn from. I recently came across this blog that I found very informative.

Sensei Adam Rostocki has done a great job accumulating information on his blog about all sorts of back pain related issues. If you are looking for definitions, descriptions or explanations of back pain related topics, his site is very helpful.

I'll admit that I haven't read everything on his blog but one of the things I found missing was anything about instrument adjusting. I believe that the PulStar Multiple Impulse Therapy would have helped Sensei Rostocki's back pain symptoms at the very least. It's unfortunate that he was unable to receive a PulStar treatment while he was in pain so you could see what it can do and how effective it can be.

My hope is this blog, like his, will give people a safe, gentle option to cure their back pain that they might not otherwise have had. If you know of any other blogs or web sites that discuss or offer back pain relief, I'd love to know more about them.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Pain is something that everybody has in their body and experience that quite often on different occasions due to so many different reasons like work pressure, mental
stress and illness, marital difficulties and personal problems

I want to emphasize that although this intervention might have been effective, but it is intended to complement the traditional medical treatment. This approach has been used when for one reason or another, medical interventions were not able to reduce the sufferer's degree of pain. One of the most positive aspects of this approach is that the sufferers themselves, with the guidance of a pain reduction specialist, can
be taught how to use these methods as and when needed to deal with the recurrence of the pain. This in turn, reinforces the effectiveness of the treatment.

i was one of them to experience a pain in my back both lower and upper back which was mainly because of my work and it was so bad that it was affecting my mind
and my family life as well, my behaviour was totally being impatient until i was adviced by one of my colleague to take it this way and it did work for me
and it took me so easy and today i am so different than before.

Pain Relief